Be convinced that justice alone is never enough to solve the great problems of mankind. When justice alone is done, don't be surprised if people are hurt. The dignity of man requires much more. Charity must penetrate and accompany justice because it sweetens and deifies everything. Our motive in everything we do should be Love.
-Saint Josemaria Escriva

Why "be to care"?
Because to get involved and change the world, first you have to be
First we need to be ourselves, then we need to know who we are – our identity – and on that basis, learn to care for others, in practical solidarity with those in need.
Self-knowledge, training, and developing our own humanity, provide a solid foundation for ourselves and for whatever projects we may set up, enabling us not only to give but to give ourselves. This is true “care”: being able to identify with others in their needs and care for them in practical ways with real, effective Christian love and charity.